01 February 2011

LISS Day 18

The promise fulfilled

Today's Scripture: Genesis 12:3 & John 3:16

The most famous quote from the Bible is that of John 3:16. I love this passage very much, for in one sentence, it sums up everything I, as a Catholic, live for: a promise fulfilled. And I can't help but feel such gratitude, honour and respect for the Blessed Virgin Mary's role in this divine Mystery. It was only possible for God the Father, to humble Himself and share in our humanity, because of her. From the Incarnation to Christ's ascension, the promise of God the Son was fulfilled through the Holy Spirit and Our Lady, and then later the promise of God's spirit on earth [John 14:15-17] was fulfilled [Acts 2:1-13]. How I love our Lady! My beautiful Maria - who brings many to God through the most Sacred Heart of her son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

All will be well in the Lord - no matter how hard life might get. I know the peace and comfort of this promise is alive when I'm before Him in Eucharistic Adoration. This was my favourite part of all my activity yesterday, and I embrace the power of His presence as a source of nourishment for my spiritual self. Before Him, I offer myself to the true path to eternal life.

My great and gracious God, You fulfilled Your promises to me, even before I was born. I pray that my promises to You (however little they might be) are fulfilled with as much love and care as You gave to fulfill Your promises to humankind. Thank you, always.

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