09 February 2011

LISS Day 26

The Advocate

Joel 2:28-29 and John 14:16 are the reflections for today.

What is an advocate? An advocate refers to a person who promotes a viewpoint in an active and ardent manner or provides a positive recommendation for another person. The Holy Spirit is an advocate for God the Father, requested by Jesus - as is stated in John 14:16.

In CCC 736 'By this power of the Spirit, God's children can bear much fruit. He who has grafted us onto the true vine will make us bear "the fruit of the Spirit: . . . love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."129 "We live by the Spirit"; the more we renounce ourselves, the more we "walk by the Spirit."130 '. In all honesty, I know very little about the Catechism, but I understand how this catechesis helps us to remain on the correct path with the Holy Spirit. Renouncing ourselves seems like an absurd thing... renounce ourselves from what exactly? Activities that aren't Church-related? Friendships that aren't Godly? In my eyes, not at all. In fact, with the power of the Holy Spirit in you, you ought to be among your friends who are unGodly... for the Spirit of Love would shine through you. Activities that aren't Church-related aren't necessarily bad activities. There are many good works done daily that are not offered to God, but done in a similar way of love. Making your presence known in these environments is testimony that God is Love. Renouncing thyself hits a much deeper level than what is on the surface however. This is something I have not mastered, but ask sincerely God's help with it. An article on catholicculture.org on the Third Sunday of Lent says the following:
'The secret of happiness is to invert the process of selfishness: to forget self in order to make room for Another Person, the Lord of life and happiness. Give up self and find God! If I renounce sin, I find grace, if I renounce myself, I find God and my brothers and sisters. “If you only knew what God is offering,” happiness is what He wants to give you! How often a priest should ask himself this question, or a woman who wonders “shall I have a child or not”, “am I thinking of myself, or of the child who cannot come into the world without my help?" If you knew what gift of Life, you would throw yourself into that well and there you would find the strength to renounce self.'
Putting God before oneself is not easy, because the biggest question one would ask as a result is 'God, do You want me to be a Priest/Nun?' (unless one has already discerned and they have been graced with God's answer)! I am currently discerning, and sometimes I have a tendency to put my own preferences before God's. It is not an easy thing to be so completely selfless, no, but we are always invited to ask Him for help with letting go - after all, this is a journey we ought not to be making without the Great Counselor walking this Way with us!

Fiona spoke so very well this evening at the LISS session, it was perfect. I know/agree with exactly everything she said, and it was a wonderful feeling to yet again receive confirmation of what had showered into my heart from above over the summer. I thought that perhaps it was just me who wants to climb up onto the rooftops and shout out to the whole world the Truth, but I'm glad I'm not the only one! And that it now seems like a normal reaction! She is a great advocate for the Catholic Church in what she does with Soul Food and with Catholic Voices. The Bible instructs all Christians to spread the Gospel and profess their faith. Theoretically all Christians are advocates for Christianity.We must pray for gifts of the Holy Spirit to be the best advocates for God, and our Catholic Church.

Advocate of Sanctity, thank you for the gift of Fiona on all our lives. I humbly ask for the blessings that would help me to become as great an advocate as she, but only by Your Will. Nourish me in my prayer and sacrifices so that I may come to truly know the meaning of selflessness, and offer it always unto Your Glory. I ask this of You through Jesus Christ, Your Son, in the whispers of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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