06 February 2011

LISS Day 24

The Gift of His Spirit

Reflections: Galatians 4:6 & Acts 2:1-4

The Pentecost was Christ's promise to His disciples. Imagine the Love that God the Father had for His children, to send Himself in a third person to remain with the human race from generation to generation. Many things have been said about Pentecost - mainly that we all have the potential to receive the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit as well as the charismatic gifts, and that between Easter and the feast of Pentecost it is a celebratory time in the liturgy - the climax being that Pentecost offers people a taste of Heavenly life.

I'd like to direct people to the EWTN site on Pentecost. Just googling the word Pentecost gives some really weird results. I even spotted a 'How-to' for conversion during Pentecost. Say whaaaaaaat?! A How-To? Is a conversion something that one forces upon oneself, or is it a gift from the Holy Spirit?

I remember the Blessed Virgin Mary, who in purest obedience to God's Will, freely allowed herself to become the intimate spouse of the Holy Spirit. She is a true inspiration. Conceived without original sin, she was never in need of God to transform her in the way that we need God to transform us from inside out! Her spirit was gentle and meek, yet her spirit never broke even when she suffered painfully as her heart (her beloved Son, Jesus) was torn away from her. She remained sinless - despite her extreme sorrow. Our spirits are created to obey the Trinity, and we are encouraged to live that to the fullest. But like Mary, receiving the gift of spirit does not mean that our hearts can not feel torn and ripped out of ourselves, shredded in tormenting pain - for this, our souls (the heart and mind) are what makes us human, together with our physical bodies. Rooted in her love for God, she endures the worst suffering during the Passion - the loss of her Son, who was a precious gift to her from the Father through the Holy Spirit... her spirit truly was one of complete grace. We can imagine how much comfort Jesus gained from her closeness and love, never asking her to stay away even when He knew how painful this was for her too. What was more important to them both was that they were obedient to God's Will. She gives her love to Him still, even after His death on the cross, and the Resurrection.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.
V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created.
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray. O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever to rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord.

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