17 February 2011

LISS Day 34

Our Lady

Luke 1:46-49 & John 19:25-27

In a previous LISS reflection about Mary's unbroken spirit despite her time of heartbreak, I reflected on her grace from God to live through her Son's humiliation and death on the cross. She is an extraordinary woman (biggest understatement ever!)... one who is my inspiration and whom I love dearly... for it was by her intercession I was able to encounter her Son. I have a relationship with my most Blessed Mother, but many do not. In fact, I call her my beautiful Maria, because she is the most beautiful woman ever created by God. So, I have found a website which helps to explain the Litany of Our Lady of Loreto, which will help you who do not have a relationship with her, to understand who she is! You can click here for the original link which belongs to The International Marian Research Institute in Dayton, Ohio. This is the many advocacies of Our Lady.

1. Mary's Holiness - Three introductory advocations highlight Mary's sanctity as person (Sancta Maria), her role as mother of Jesus Christ (Sancta Dei Genitrix), and her vocation as virgin (Sancta Virgo Virginum). Mary's sanctity is stressed.

2. Mary, the Mother - Twelve advocations refer to Mary as Mother. The purpose of this series of advocations is to highlight the various facets of Mary's role as mother. Some of these advocations, especially at the beginning (1-3) and at the end (11-12) of the series, are referring explicitly to her maternal activity and the addressees (Christ, the Church...) of this activity. Mary is:

(1) Mother of Christ (Mater Christi)
(2) Mother of the Church (Mater Ecclesiae) 

(3) Mother of Divine Grace (Mater Divinae Gratiae)

And again, at the end of the series:

(11) Mother of our Creator (Mater Creatoris)
(12) Mother of our Savior (Mater Salvatoris)

The intermediate advocations (4-10) qualify or characterize the person of Mary as mother, mainly with adjectives:

(4) Mother Most Pure (Mater purissima)
(5) Mother Most Chaste (Mater castissima)
(6) Mother Inviolate (Mater inviolate)
(7) Mother Undefiled (Mater intemerata)
(8) Mother Most Amiable (Mater amabilis)
(9) Mother Most Admirable (Mater admirabilis)

(10) Mother of Good Counsel (Mater boni consilii) [Mother of Fair Love (Mater pulchrae dilectionis)]

Mary attracts love and admiration, and she is of good counsel, but most of the characteristics mentioned (4-7) refer to the miraculous and virginal birth of Jesus.

3. Mary, the Virgin - The advocations of Mary Mother are followed by six titles extolling her as Virgin. They stress not only the merit of her virginity:
Virgin Most Prudent (Virgo prudentissima)
Virgin Most Venerable (Virgo veneranda)
Virgin Most Renowned (Virgo praedicanda)

but also the "efficacy" of virginity. Mary is:

Virgin Most Powerful (Virgo potens)
Virgin Most Merciful (Virgo clemens), and
Virgin Most Faithful (Virgo fidelis).

4. Symbols of Mary - We then have thirteen symbolic advocations, mostly taken from the Old Testament and applied to Mary which highlight her virtues and her eminent role in salvation history:

(1) Mirror of Justice (Speculum justitiaé)
(2) Seat of Wisdom (Sedes sapientiae)
(3) Cause of Our Joy (Causa nostrae laetitiae)
(4) Spiritual Vessel (Vas spirituale)
(5) Vessel of Honor (Vas honorabile)
(6) Singular Vessel of Devotion (Vas insigne devotionis)
(7) Mystical Rose (Rosa mystica)
(8) Tower of David (Turris davidica)
(9) Tower of Ivory (Turris eburnea)
(10) House of Gold (Domus aurea)
(11) Ark of the Covenant (Foederis arca)
(12) Gate of Heaven (Janua coeli)
(13) Morning Star (Stella matutina)

5. Mary, the Helper - The group of four advocations that follows extol Mary's role as advocate for spiritual and corporal works of mercy. She is:
(1) Health of the Sick (Salus infirmorum)

(2) Refuge of Sinners (Refugium peccatorum)
(3) Comforter of the Afflicted (Consolatrix afflictorum)

(4) Help of Christians (Auxilium christianorum)

6. Mary, the Queen - The last part of the Marian advocations is composed of a series of 13 titles referring to Mary as Queen. Mary is Queen of Saints and inhabitants of heaven:

(1) Queen of Angels (Regina Angelorum)
(2) Queen of Patriarchs (Regina Patriarcharum)
(3) Queen of Prophets (Regina Prophetarum)
(4) Queen of Apostles (Regina Apostolorum) 

(5) Queen of Martyrs (Regina Martyrum)
(6) Queen of Confessors (Regina Confessorum)

(7) Queen of Virgins (Regina Virginum)
(8) Queen of all Saints (Regina Sanctorum omnium)

There are five advocations which emphasize the personal holiness, distinction, and role of Mary’s queenship:

(09) Queen Conceived Without Original Sin (Regina sine macula originali concepta) 

(10) Queen Assumed into Heaven (Regina in caelum assumpta)
(11) Queen of the Most Holy Rosary (Regina sacratissimi rosarii) 

(12) Queen of Families (Regina familiarum)
(13) Queen of Peace (Regina pacis)

Hail Mary, so full of beauty and God's Grace! You are the most feminine of comforters, who we cry to daily for your prayer and intercession and to wipe away our tears. Thank you for bringing me closer to Your Son, inspiring me in spirit to pray at the foot of His cross of salvation with you! Pray for us, all of us sinners now, and at the hour of our death!

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