26 January 2011

LISS Day 12

God our Father

Everyone who was at the last LISS session, will remember Leona's beautiful talk, where she talked about her relationship with her human Father, as well as her Heavenly Father. Everyone who was in the group that I was in was very thankful for her talk. And it was by God's decree just before hitting LISS, I'd been to see my SD. And one of the things she had mentioned to me, is that when and before we are 7 years old, our human Fathers become the symbol of God's presence in our lives. In a way, I agree with this based on my own experience. My Father was (and still is!) a very loving man (I know this because he worked so hard just to feed the family and to give my brother and I a secure and comfortable upbringing) but because he always had 2-3 jobs, he was never physically around when my brother and I were awake. And although he was very loving, from since I can remember, I cannot recall him ever hugging me and kissing me, which I'm sure he did when I was still a baby. So... I knew Daddy was... there... but I didn't see or feel his presence very much. At Holy Communion, we were told we would receive Jesus; so Jesus was pretty much there in my conscience from 7 until about 14 years old... but the idea of God the Father was always missing - and my SD helped me to understand why I felt that way.

I pray that all those who are Fathers, are about to become Fathers, and who want to eventually BE Fathers, will know the value and significance of the role they play in their childrens' lives. I pray that God the Father will embrace them all so that they can pass that same love on when they embrace their own children. I pray they themselves as Fathers, also love their Brothers and Sisters in the family of Christ to become that fraternal witness alongside whose vocation is Priesthood. Lastly, I pray for all Priests - the Fathers of our congregations, who do so much to bring us closer to God, and help us to develop our faith journeys. May God grant all men great peace and strength to carry out their vocations in His almighty and life-giving Love.

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